eGame Studio Helps Schools Expand Team Sports and Teamwork

Founder Michael Lunt Turns Interest in Video Production, Gaming, and Entrepreneurship into a Business Serving a $1.5 Billion Industry

Back in 1972, two dozen first generation “gamers” gathered in Standford’s Artificial Intelligence Laboratory to compete in the world’s first “formal” video game tournament. The first-place prize in the competition was an annual subscription to RollingStone magazine.

Double jump to today. That original electronic gaming niche has ballooned into a $1.5 billion technology-driven industry with billions of gamers worldwide.

“For millions of individuals and teams, gaming has become an organized sport, and it’s now made its way into our education system,” said Michael Lunt, Founder and CEO of eGame Studio. “It’s a mix of esports clubs, and more than 8,600 high schools across the country have esports programs.”

Thousands of those schools participate in national esports leagues. The esports structure looks a lot like familiar field sports. Players and coaches. Team names and colors. Practices and scrimmages. School competitions. Individual and team rankings. Trophies. Scholarships.

But esports coaches have a challenge that coaches of field games don’t. They can’t stand on the sidelines and watch the game. Imagine Ryan Day coaching the Buckeyes with blinders on.

“The challenge for esports coaches,” said Lunt, “is that they can only see the play from one player’s perspective at a time. The process is slow and doesn’t give them any opportunity to give immediate feedback to a player who is using the wrong equipment for the game scenario, or who is taking a corner too wide.”

Game Lens™, the firm’s flagship tool, offers unique functionality that specifically addresses esports coaches’ needs.

“Our web-based platform for coaches is built on technology that delivers multiple players feeds into one computer screen, ” Lunt said. “Coaches can see five players at once and offer tactical changes simultaneously. They can almost immediately detect, for example, if a player is constantly getting hit and give advice that helps change the way the team or individuals are playing the game.”

eGame Studio has more than 30 active pilots.
From teamwork and communications to digital literacy and STEM, organized esports benefits students and schools.

“We want to see esports succeed in schools. Not everyone wants to do traditional sports, but that doesn’t mean that not all kids should have an outlet. If that outlet is video games, let’s not stigmatize it.,” said Lunt.

“Players who aren’t interested in traditional sports can find their calling in esports,” he said. “It takes extraordinary skill to be good at a video game. Let’s support it and give kids the opportunity to show us what they are capable of. We don’t tell founders; you are spending too much time on your business. We don’t tell golfers; you are spending too much time perfecting your swing. The world of sports is shifting. If we give video gamers a chance to show what they are good at. If I do that, I’ve done my job.”