Innovate Like a Startup

We are an investor startup studio with a lifetime of experience helping entrepreneurs build great companies. Our corporate innovation partners leverage this same tailored approach to engage with the startups that matter to their business.

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Innovate with Impact

From startup connections to strategic investment funds, our partners benefit from:


We analyze more than 1,000 technologies per year, have funded 130+ companies, launched dozens of internal innovations, and are among the most active seed investors in the U.S.


We roll up our sleeves and work together to source, connect, and engage with qualified and strategically aligned early- and growth-stage startups.


Our dedicated team has the knowledge and experience to identify and execute priority opportunities customized to your corporate goals.


We’re not merely getting startups in the room; we’re committed to getting them into your business. Our repeatable process means you’ll meet your corporate innovation goals while building corporate-wide competency.

Engage Startups 52 Weeks a Year.

Unlike an accelerator, we build lasting innovation platforms that transform your culture and your business.

You Know Your Industry; We Know Startups

We’ll help you look beyond just the technology: analyzing a startup’s business model, market opportunity, team, capital plan, and much more.

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Our Partners Get Results


Supporting transformation in the food industry.

Learn more about Smucker

Accelerating the insurance revolution

Learn more about Grange

Growing innovations that are reinventing the insurance industry

Learn more about State Auto Labs


Innovating the Industrial World

Learn more about Worthington Enterprises

The Ohio State University
Learn more about The Ohio State University

Let’s Talk About Possibilities

Ready to innovate like a startup? Reach out to our corporate innovation team.

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