LEVEL 6 Helps Companies Choose and Implement the Most Effective Cybersecurity Tools

When it comes to corporate cybersecurity, there is no such thing as one-size-fits-all. That makes strategic planning extra challenging for cybersecurity decision-makers and managers who must figure out the best combinations of people, processes, and technologies to address current and future security issues and threats for their companies.

LEVEL 6 Cybersecurity, a startup based in Cincinnati, OH, delivers a new approach designed to support cybersecurity executives and their teams.

“For the first time, decision-makers have a reference point based on what is happening in events worldwide to guide their cyber decisions,” said Kevin Jackson, CEO.

The LEVEL 6 Infosec Strategy Network, known as LISN (pronounced ‘listen’), is a patent-pending self-service business intelligence platform that analyzes global cyber-strategy data and the outcomes of strategic decisions to calculate which specific approaches to cybersecurity produce the best results/ Those results are based on least breaches, the lowest costs, the least cyber incidents, and more.

“The LISN knowledge service came from my experience in data analytics and as a chief information security officer faced with the challenge of designing winning cyber strategies,” Jackson said. “Our product is focused on being a tool for cyber decision-makers and those who review and approve decisions in cybersecurity.”

The LISN service uses real-world data and the power of artificial intelligence to calculate the most secure, highest ROI cyber strategies specific to each user’s organizational profile.

Replacing ad hoc information gathering and generalized best practices with artificial intelligence (AI) and real-world data to optimize the return on investment for cybersecurity programs.

Cybersecurity strategies, which are technically very complex, are most commonly centered on general standards and silos of best practices. Cybersecurity managers and their technical and implementation teams might attend a conference, comply with generalized best practices, or gain occasional information from a peer or a consultant. Informal recommendations and stories from friends and associates in cybersecurity roles also enter the mix.

To complicate matters further, once strategies are implemented, cybersecurity decision-makers face the task of measuring and reporting the value of the dollars and hours invested in the solutions they implemented.

The LISN service addresses both issues. LISN provides a data-centric approach to cybersecurity strategies that calculates what works best based on globally sourced real-world events. Then the service calculates the ROI for various strategies based on what works in a given industry, size, and type of organization.

“Our early adopters’ eyes light up when we tell them what this tool can do,” Jackson said. “They know what should be done. They know all the standards and trends. They know how to model the outcomes that are supposed to be achieved. The struggle is communicating that message to their CEO and boards in a convincing way. The people who spend the money on cybersecurity don’t know if they are getting an ROI on that investment.”

The LISN service gives self-service access to metrics that indicate precisely which strategy changes can boost the organization’s ROI. Level 6 creates outputs that cybersecurity decision-makers can take to the CEO and the Board that show the value of cybersecurity investments through auto-generated graphs and visualizations.

“Traceable data analytics shows why the company’s investments in cybersecurity are working, what the company should do next—all based on ROI with the data to back it up,” said Jackson.

With a click, decision-makers will also be able to see what data is contributing to the predicted outcomes, whether it be from academic research, open-source intelligence on the internet, or anonymously shared experiences from other public or private organizations.

The LISN beta Early Adopter program is open for application.

The LEVEL 6 team has been presenting at cybersecurity conferences across the country for several months, educating the industry on the possibilities of LISN.

The firm is now launching a beta version and Early Adopter Program with its flagship product LISN, which is also the foundation for other new cybersecurity products LEVEL 6 has planned. The four-month program invites customers to experience the tool and provide feedback that will shape future developments. About 30 companies will be accepted into the program.

Apply here.