Honoring and Remembering Veterans This Memorial Day

On Monday, our country observes Memorial Day—the day designated to honor those who gave their lives in military service to the United States.

The National Moment of Remembrance (3 p.m. in the time zone where you are) calls for a minute of silence to honor those who gave their lives. Major league baseball games stop, trains whistle, and in Arlington Cemetery and cemeteries across the nation “Taps” will sound.

This is an opportunity for each of us to pause for 60 seconds in national unity to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice for the United States.

Memorial Day is also a time to renew our commitment to the many veterans and National Guard members in our communities.

Recently, several members of our team attended the CEO Challenge, an event hosted  by the Ohio National Guard and Central Ohio Veterans Consortium at the Rickenbacker Air National Guard Base and Army National Guard Enclave.

The goal of the Consortium is to make connections at the executive level to foster a top down approach for encouraging veteran employment and translating veterans’ skills into the civilian workforce.

When searching for the right talent is a top priority, veterans should be top of mind. There are many great resources available to help companies identify and recruit veterans, such as the Ohio Department of Veteran Services.

For businesses that seek employees who are good at developing plans, managing risk, and solving problems—not to mention being able to regroup and improvise when the unexpected occurs, the skills that underlay military jobs are a match—and veterans and National Guard members are a great pool of talent.

People in the military joined because they wanted to do something good for their community and country. They tend to be motivated individuals who go above and beyond the everyday requirements of the job.

On Monday at 3 p.m. as we stand silent to memorialize all the brave souls who gave their lives for our country, let’s further honor their sacrifice by resolving to become very intentional about creating corporate cultures that welcome veterans and National Guard members.